Open Search Partner with DCC

CH&N Consultation on Phase 2 regulatory changes

A DCC consultation on proposed transitional and enduring changes to the Smart Energy Code (SEC) to support the Communications Hubs & Networks Programme (CH&N).

This consultation proposes transitional and enduring regulatory changes to support the 4G CH&N Programme. These changes include:

  • Temporary forecasting and ordering rules for 4G Communications Hubs (CHs);
  • The replacement of 2/3G Mesh CHs via a pilot during the Initial Pallet Validation (IPV) Stage
  • Enduring rules for 2/3G Mesh CH replacement supported by regular reporting provided by DCC
  • Provisions permitting the issuing Certificates to enable DCC to undertake the activities required for Initial Pallet Manufacture (IPM) of 4G CHs
  • Transitional amendments to switch off until the start of IPV some of the Main Body SEC obligations that the Department consulted upon in September 2023 and that are expected to be introduced into the SEC around July 2024.

The consultation also seeks views on the following:

  • The re-designation date of SEC Appendix H ‘Communications Hub Handover Support Materials’ (CHHSM) to support the 4G CH Forecasting, Ordering and Delivery Service;
  • The re-designation date of the NETMAD to support the temporary forecasting and ordering rules for 4G CHs, the 2/3G Mesh CH replacement pilot, clauses to support IPM and other clauses to support the application of the 4G changes to the SEC Main Body; and
  • The re-designation date of the CHIMSM to support Enduring rules for 2/3G Mesh CH replacement.

This consultation closes at 17:00 on Wednesday 22 May 2024 Please email your response using the template provided to