This consultation has been prepared by the Data Communications Company (DCC) alongside Frontier Economics, as a follow-up to the previous Request For Information (RFI) issued in April 2024. This consultation aims to reflect and pose a series of consultation questions on the implications, risks and benefits associated with proposed changes to ensure that DCC’s charging methodology remains in line with its Licence obligations. The proposals include:
- Updating Fixed Charges for Core Users; and
- Introducing usage-based charges for Other Users.
This consultation represents the next stage of the SEC modification DP218 ‘Review of the SEC Charging Methodology’ which industry has initiated to examine reforms to DCC charging.
The DCC is required by its Licence to keep its charging policy under review. There are currently a range of drivers prompting a re-examination of DCC’s Charging Methodology, including increasing divergence between use of the DCC Network and DCC’s own charging objectives set out in Section C ‘Governance’ of the Smart Energy Code (SEC), as well as industry demand for change.
This consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 3 February 2025. Please note an amended version of the consultation was issued on the 19 December, which included a clarification in paragraph 64. This amendment is reflected in the consultation attachment on this web page. Please email your response using the template provided to