Open Search Partner with DCC

CH&N Conclusions on Phase 4 regulatory changes

DCC conclusion on the consultation on proposed changes to the Smart Energy Code (SEC) to support the Communications Hubs & Networks Programme (CH&N).

On 12 September 2024, DCC published a consultation seeking views on further regulatory changes to support the 4G CH&N Programme. This consultation sought to facilitate the following:

  • Enduring reporting on Mesh Communications Hubs (CHs): Details on the enduring reporting on Mesh CHs, identifying those that have been an Active Mesh Gateway CH or an Active Mesh Hop CH in the six-month period preceding the date of issue of each report.

  • Enrolment and Communication Services for 4G CHs: Removal of the clause prohibiting DCC from providing Enrolment Services and Communications Services in relation to 4G CHs to facilitate Initial Pallet Validation (IPV) Go Live on 2 December 2024.

  • Mass manufacture of 4G CHs: Removal of clauses no longer applicable to facilitate mass manufacture of 4G CHs from 7 April 2025.

This consultation closed on 11 October 2024.

This document summarises the responses received and DCC’s response. It will be submitted to the Secretary of State along with the proposed changes to SEC Appendix I ‘CH Installation and Maintenance Support Materials’ (CHIMSM) and SEC Appendix AU ‘Network Evolution Transition and Migration Approach Document’ (NETMAD) for both IPV and mass manufacture.